PROVIDENCE, RI – The City of Providence advises residents that from Monday, June 26, 2017 to Thursday, June 29, 2017 recreation centers will operate on a revised schedule in preparation for a busy summer season that will include various new camps and activities for youth. The schedule will allow for cleanups and programming development during a week when Providence recreation centers see a decrease in attendance numbers.
To maintain access for residents throughout the week the rotation of closures ensures that a neighboring recreation center is open for those interested. Notices will be posted at closed centers to inform visitors of the nearby centers.
Closed Monday, June 26, 2017
- Joslin Recreation Center, 17 Hyatt St. Providence, RI 02909
- John Rollins Recreation Center, 674 Praire Ave. Providence, RI 02905
- Vincent Brown Recreation Center, 438 Hope St. Providence, RI 20906
Closed Tuesday, June 27, 2017
- Joslin Recreation Center, 17 Hyatt St. Providence, RI 02909
- John Rollins Recreation Center, 674 Praire Ave. Providence, RI 02905
- Vincent Brown Recreation Center, 438 Hope St. Providence RI 20906
- Zuccolo Recreation Center, 18 Gesler St. Providence, RI 02909
Closed Wednesday, June 28, 2017
- Rogers Recreation Center, 60 Camden Ave., Providence RI 02908
- Davey Lopes Recreation Center, 227 Dudley St. Providence, RI 02907
- West End Recreation Center, 109 Bucklin St. Providence, RI 02907
- Neutaconkanut Recreation Center, 675 Plainfield St. Providence, RI 02909
- Sackett Recreation Center, 159 Sackett St. Providence, RI 02907
Closed Thursday, June 29, 2017
- Rogers Recreation Center, 60 Camden Ave., Providence RI 02908
- Davey Lopes Recreation Center, 227 Dudley St. Providence, RI 02907
- West End Recreation Center, 109 Bucklin St. Providence, RI 02907
- Neutaconkanut Recreation Center, 675 Plainfield St. Providence, RI 02909
Recreation centers will return to normal weekday hours on Friday, June 30, 2017 opening from 3:00PM to 9:00PM. Centers are open Saturdays from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Residents are also reminded that recreation centers will be closed Tuesday, July 4, 2017 for the holiday.
News of the revised schedule will be communicated to residents through the Recreation Department’s official Facebook, the City’s main webpage, and through verbal and written communication by recreation center directors and staff. For more information, residents can call the Providence Recreation Department’s main office at 401-680-7300.