Monday, February 8, 2021
PROVIDENCE, RI – The City’s homestead recertification application deadline has been extended to Monday, March 15, 2021, to accommodate homeowners who have not yet reapplied.
The homestead exemption provides residential homeowners a 40% reduction on their annual property taxes. Providence residents claiming the homestead exemption must demonstrate proof of residency and identification in order to qualify for the exemption, which will be applied to their July 2021 tax bill.
For the first time, residents can file a streamlined application online or apply in person in the City Assessor’s Office, Room 208 of Providence City Hall. Residents can also download a copy of the application online or request a paper application be mailed to them for completion. Residents who have questions regarding this process are encouraged to call to connect to the Mayor’s Center for City Services by dialing 3-1-1 or by visiting
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