PVD Comprehensive Plan Update
Providence is positioned to grow into a world-class city within the next ten years. Mayor Smiley wants that growth to happen sustainably, increase Providence’s competitiveness with other cities, and nurture the things that make our city unique.
To complete the once-a-decade update of Providence’s Comprehensive Plan, we are convening the diverse perspectives of our neighbors, local businesses and community members to create policies and goals that reflect us and support our long-term goals.
The Providence City Council’s Committee on Ordinances approved the amended Comprehensive Plan on Monday, October 21st.
The Comprehensive Plan is expected to receive it’s first vote in front of the City Council on November 7th.
An interactive version of Map 11.3 “Base Zoning Map Changes” from the Plan (as amended on 10/21/24) is available here.
Community Engagement Timeline
We want to involve our community in as many ways as possible in planning for Providence’s future. This website centralizes information and participation opportunities. If you have an idea of how to better involve you or other community members, please let us know by emailing planning@providenceri.gov!