Tuesday, November 30, 2021
PROVIDENCE, RI – The City of Providence and its firefighter’s union, IAFF Local 799, have reached a tentative five-year agreement that achieves significant pension reform and improvements to healthcare options for firefighters.
“My top priority since taking office has been addressing the City’s long-standing structural challenges that have held the city back, ” said Mayor Jorge O. Elorza. “This agreement achieves significant pension reform as a means for longer term financial stability for the City and recognizes the hard work of our Providence firefighters. I thank Providence IAFF Local 799 President Derek Silva and the entire IAFF leadership team for their good-faith efforts to reach an agreement.”
The agreement requires firefighters to incrementally contribute 16% of their salaries by year five toward the City’s pension fund, the highest contribution rate for any public safety union in Rhode Island, and provides 4% annual wage increases for firefighters. Additional changes include a shift to a 4-tier healthcare plan that includes healthcare co-share increases for active members and future retirees.
“I’m pleased to present this tentative agreement to our membership for consideration and appreciate the administration’s acknowledgement of the invaluable contribution that members of Local 799 make for the health and safety of our City,” said Derek Silva, President of the Providence Fire Fighters union. “This agreement demonstrates that Providence Fire Fighters are again willing to go above and beyond to reducing pension costs for Providence and protecting pension benefits for our hard-working members – this time by increasing our individual contributions considerably. In addition, the wage increases are clear recognition of the commitment our members demonstrate day-in-and-day-out.”
The tentative agreement will be considered for ratification by the membership of Local IAFF Local 799. Upon passage, the contract would then be sent to the City Council for ratification. The current agreement expires June 30, 2022, and if approved, the new agreement would begin July 1, 2022.