Urges Businesses to Help in Mitigating Risk Among Patrons
Sunday, March 15, 2020
PROVIDENCE, RI—Providence Public Safety Commissioner Steven Pare today issued emergency closure letters to establishments found in violation of the temporary restriction on entertainment licenses and the 100-patron capacity limit established through the State of Emergency Declaration and Executive Order last week. In response to growing community concern regarding the spread of COVID-19, the restrictions were implemented as public health measures and are effective until further notice, subject to change with new information.
“We need every resident and business to be a part of the solution as we work to protect our community and mitigate the risk of spreading this virus,” said Mayor Jorge Elorza. “We are sensitive to the impact these circumstances are having on our local economy, but we only have one opportunity to do this right and will not tolerate unnecessary risks to the health of our residents. I am asking that everyone stay home as much as possible; follow the recommendations the City and the State have issued, and be part of the solution. I also want to thank the establishments who have worked with us and followed these limitations.”
This weekend, two establishments were found in violation of the restriction on entertainment licenses and the 100-patron limit: Wonderland and Parkview Bakery. These establishments have been issued emergency closure letters that will remain in effect until further notice.
“We are working closely with our licensing enforcement team to ensure that each and every establishment is aware of the restrictions, how it impacts them and how to monitor adherence,” said Commissioner Steven Pare. “We are at a critical moment in the development of this virus and we are working diligently to prioritize public health and safety at this time. We ask that every business join us in keeping our community healthy and safe.”
Rhode Island General Law § 5-22-1.1 defines live entertainment within the City of Providence as “live performances of music or sound by individuals, bands, musicians, disc jockeys, dancing, or karaoke, with or without charge.” This statue also includes dancing; flashing, laser or strobe lights; or music that permeates the building. Establishments can offer music performances limited to three (3) acoustic instruments that are not amplified; music that does not permeate the building; and music that is prerecorded or hosted through a streaming service, without an entertainment license and will not be found in violation of the executive order restrictions. No establishment can have laser lights, strobe lights or entertainment at this time.
The City continues to urge businesses to amplify State and local efforts in mitigating the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus by adhering to license and patron-limit restrictions in addition to the recommended social distancing and hygiene practices. Licensing enforcement and public safety officials will continue to monitor and enforce entertainment and person-limit restrictions until further notice.
Residents are encouraged to continue limiting non-essential travel as recommended by the State and to follow social distancing (6 feet) practices as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to reduce the spread of germs. Residents are also encouraged to continue following and sharing the recommended best hygiene practices which include: washing your hands and using gel hand sanitizer; covering your cough; staying home if sick, and continuously disinfecting surfaces.
Announced this past week, city buildings will close as of March 14th and reopen on March 30th, pending additional guidance from State and Federal Health Officials. All non-essential city staff will be asked to stay home. As such, City Hall, all Recreation Centers, the Museum of Natural History and the Botanical Center will be closed to the public for the next two weeks. The Mayor’s Center for City Services will continue to support calls from 8:00AM-8:00PM, seven days a week. Residents and businesses can call to connect by dialing 3-1-1 or by downloading the app for smartphones or by visiting the website. Any residents, establishments or entities who have ongoing business with the City of Providence are encouraged to do so online or via telephone.
For more information on COVID-19 and best practices you can share, residents can visit our website, call to connect to the Mayor’s Center for City Services by dialing 3-1-1, visiting www.PVD311.com or downloading the PVD311 mobile app on your smartphone for 24/7 access. Residents can register to receive CodeRED emergency notifications by phone, email, text, and/or mobile alerts for the latest updates from the City and to reach out to the Rhode Island Department of Health’s COVID-19 Assistance Line at 401-222-8022 Monday through Friday during regular business hours should they have additional questions.