Budget includes no tax increase; increases school funding; expands senior & youth programming; supports infrastructure improvements, new police & fire academies
PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge O. Elorza today joined City Council members, State officials, Providence Public School Superintendent Chris Maher, members of the Providence School Board, Public Safety Commissioner Steven Pare, Recreation Department Director Michael Stephens, recreation center directors and staff from across the city, and students, faculty, and staff of Nathan Bishop Middle School to sign the Fiscal Year 2018 budget.
“This budget represents a collective vision for One Providence that is helping to create a city of opportunity,” said Mayor Elorza. “Not only are we holding the line on taxes, we are making a historic increase in our investment to schools; providing additional support to marginalized groups; bolstering our public safety personnel; and strategically undertaking infrastructure improvements in our neighborhoods.”
“I thank the City Council for their collaborative work in crafting a budget that positions Providence to be an even better to city to invest in, visit and call home,” continued Mayor Elorza.
The $736.7 million combined city and school budget was introduced by Mayor Elorza on April 26, 2017 and adopted by the City Council on June 19, 2017.
Education and Youth Investment Highlights:
- Increase of $3.6 million in the City’s contribution for the Providence Public School District, first increase in 7 years
- $1 million investment in the One Providence for Youth: Summer Jobs program that will realize a 40% increase in employment opportunities for city youth
- $1 million total investment for citywide Summer Learning efforts made possible with an increased allocation of $580,000 by the City
- $1 million investment for new Chromebooks, 3D printers, equipment, and training to expand access to technology
- $966,000 in total recreation programming funding including funds for brand new camps
- $750,000 for additional support staff for 7 Providence middle schools
- Funding for an infrastructure consultant tasked with creating a strategic plan for school improvements
Public Safety Investment Highlights:
- $150,000 for a municipal identification card program
- Funding for a police academy of 40 candidates and 2 fire academies of approximately 150 candidates
- $200,000 in funding for specialized training and new technology for the Providence Police Department for the implementation of the Community Safety Act (CSA)
Neighborhood Investment Highlights:
- New pilot Paid Parental Leave program for non-union and non-bargain City employees
- $250,000 in funding to support seniors through free RIPTA bus passes and a new van transportation service
- $200,000 in support for Amos House’s “A Hand Up Program,” an effective program that provides employment opportunities for the homeless
- Funds for a Small Business Coordinator to assist new businesses and help expand existing businesses
- $350,000 in new City funding for PVDFest and downtown arts programming
Long-Term Highlights;
- Creates an estimated $3.5 million rainy day fund for the City through a 1% allocation of the total budget
- Lays groundwork for strategic infrastructure investment with a comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan
- Funds new Ethics Coordinator to assist the work of the Providence Ethics Commission
Details of the FY18 adopted budget can be viewed through the innovative online budget tool Open Budget Providence by visiting: openbudget.providenceri.gov