The Providence Redevelopment Agency invites proposals from the general public for the (1) rehabilitation or (2) purchase and rehabilitation of said Property into affordable residential units. Bidders may select from either option above. All proposals shall include the required information enumerated in this information package, however, no proposals will be accepted unless they are developed in accordance with the Agency’s By-Laws, the City of Providence Home Rule Charter, and the Providence Code of Ordinances, as amended. AFFORDABLE RESIDENTIAL UNITS CREATED UNDER THIS AWARD MUST REMAIN WIHTIN 120% OF AREA MEDIAN INCOME. Click here for a copy of the RFP proposal
The Request for Proposals will be available at the office of the Department of Planning and Development, 444 Westminster Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02903, during the hours of 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM or at No consideration will be given to proposals that are not consistent with the information required in the information package.
Proposals shall be submitted in writing or electronically(CD’S will not be accepted as electronically submitted) to the Providence Redevelopment Agency, 444 Westminster Street, Suite 3A, Providence, Rhode Island, 02903, Attention: Bonnie Nickerson, Executive Director, by 12:00pm on Thursday, December 3, 2020 or by electronic mail to No consideration will be given to proposals submitted after this date and time. The Agency takes no responsibility for packages sent by mail or other means that cannot meet the deadline. Hand delivery is acceptable. The Agency may request additional documentation to assist in making its selection.
All questions must be submitted in writing and directed to Samuel Budway at by email only by November 13, 2020 before 3:00pm.