I pledge to maintain my lawn and garden without chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Me comprometo a mantener mi césped y mi jardín sin pesticidas ni fertilizantes químicos. (Utilice el traductor de idiomas en la parte superior izquierda). Take the Pledge - Pesticide Free PVD Name or Organization*Let us know if you are taking the pledge on behalf of your household or an organization/institution Why I’m going pesticide free!Share your motivation for going pesticide free or a recent effort or best practice.I would like a yard (or banner) sign to display* Yard signs (and banners) are only available to Providence residents (or organizations). Yes No Preferred method of contact (to coordinate delivery or pick-up of yard sign)*To coordinate yard sign (or banner) delivery or pick-up. Personal information will not be shared, and will only be for planning purposes. Email Phone Email PhoneAddressTo coordinate yard sign (or banner) delivery or pick-up. Personal information will not be shared, and will only be for planning purposes. Which city ward to you live in?*Help the city understand the geographic distribution of Pesticide Free commitments. Ward reference map: Ward MapWard 1Ward 2Ward 3Ward 4Ward 5Ward 6Ward 7Ward 8Ward 9Ward 10Ward 11Ward 12Ward 13Ward 14Ward 15Approximate square footage of pesticide free green space Help us measure our collective impact! Look up your lot size to estimate the size of your greenspace here: https://gis.vgsi.com/providenceri/Search.aspx. Multiply acreage x 43560 to convert to SF. Approximate square footage of pesticide-free green space Help the city understand the scale and impact of Pesticide Free PVD.I can talk to a neighbor or other friend about going pesticide free! Yes Maybe No Please also add me to the SustainPVD monthly newsletter for the latest news, community events, and tips! Yes No I'm already a subscriber Comments or Questions Share this story email icon. Click to share on email twitter icon. Click to share on twitter facebook icon. Click to share on facebook linkedIn Icon. Click to share on LinkedIn