Aligned With State Guidance on Phase II, Residents Urged to Continue Following Social Distancing Practices
May 3o, 2020
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Mayor Jorge O. Elorza today announced an executive order effective Monday, June 1 that aligns the City with the latest State guidelines on mitigating the spread of COVID-19 upon entering Phase II.
“We are working closely with the State and our community partners to implement Phase II guidelines safely and to fit the unique needs of our community,” said Mayor Jorge Elorza. “As more of our businesses begin to reopen, we will continue to offer supports locally to ensure they can be successful now and in the future. I ask that every resident and business do their part by following the latest social distancing and hygiene guidelines.”
This supplemental executive order outlines the below updates to restrictions and guidelines within the City of Providence:
- All businesses, essential and nonessential, may open to the public consistent with guidelines issued per Executive Order of the Governor of the State of Rhode Island.
- Domestic travel restrictions, and quarantine requirements, shall be consistent with those issued per Executive Order of the Governor of the State of Rhode Island.
- All Providence public parks, green spaces, off-road trails, dog parks, skate and bike parks and golf courses continue to be open to public access. *
- Outdoor ambient music** is allowed by establishments with outdoor dining and seating until 10:00PM during weekdays and 11:00PM weekends.
- Indoor entertainment and live performance regulations will be aligned with the State of Rhode Island guidelines and restrictions.
- Hookah is not allowed during this time, as per guidance from the Rhode Island Department of Health.
- All guidelines and restrictions outlined by the State of Rhode Island are followed without exception.
* Playgrounds, sports facilities (with the exception of tennis courts for singles matches only) and fields will remain closed and parking will be available at half capacity.
**Outdoor ambient entertainment is a live music performance that shall not be amplified by any means, or prerecorded music or streamed music which may be amplified. Any entertainment provided must permit an audible conversation amongst patrons and in no event shall dancing be permitted on the premises.
Roger Williams Park will be open to the public and resume operations, allowing for the use of amenities such as swan boats, subject to hygiene and social distancing requirements. On-street parking will be allowed throughout the park with the exception of the Maple and Pine lots through to Park Ave. Residents are urged to continue wearing masks in all public spaces in addition to limiting gatherings to 15 people or less and to follow social distancing practices provided by the Governor.
Businesses can register for outdoor dining, apply for take-out spaces, and apply for an extension of premises through Essential city services will continue to be accessible remotely. Local resources are available as defined on our website. For more information on COVID-19 and best practices you can share, residents can visit our website, call to connect to the Mayor’s Center for City Services by dialing 3-1-1, or download the PVD311 mobile app on your smartphone for 24/7 access.
Residents can register to receive CodeRED emergency notifications by phone, email, text, and/or mobile alerts for the latest updates from the City. The Rhode Island Department of Health’s COVID-19 Assistance Line can be reached by dialing 401-222-8022 Monday through Friday during regular business hours should residents have additional questions.