May 20, 2022
Mayor Jorge O. Elorza today made the following statement after signing the City’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) budget:
“Today, I was proud to join members of the City Council and community members as I signed a historic $124 million American Rescue Plan Act budget into law, allocating our remaining ARPA funding to programs and investments that will build an equitable, resilient recovery for Providence. I am especially proud that our process involved robust community engagement with the voices of over 1,500 residents and I appreciate our COVID-19 Recovery and Resiliency Task Force members for their hard work and their recommendations. As we continue to recover from the pandemic, the funding provided through the American Rescue Plan Act will provide historic investments in housing, infrastructure, community organizations, youth, economic stability, and so much more, positioning Providence to recover and grow in the years to come. I’m grateful for the collaboration and partnership of the Providence City Council and the many Providence community members who engaged with this process through surveys, meetings and more. I look forward to working with the community to put these dollars into actions.”
To learn more about the Providence Rescue Plan, visit