Homeschool Adventures are family programs held at the Museum of Natural History and Planetarium in Roger Williams Park for local homeschool families. Homeschool programs include a special quest around the museum, hands-on activity tables led by museum staff and docents and a special workshop or planetarium show. The museum is closed to the public during Homeschool Adventures, which runs from 10:00am-1:00pm. Workshops or Planetarium shows are at 10:30am and 11:30am. These are family programs and not drop off classes.
Program Fee with Workshop or Planetarium Show: $7 per person; children and adults must all be registered. Adults must be in attendance with children at the workshop/planetarium show as well as throughout the museum activities. All participants in the workshop/planetarium show must be age 4 and over.
Program Fee without Workshop or Planetarium show: $4 per person, children under age 4 are free. This includes quest and museum activities only. Adults must be in attendance with children throughout the museum activities.
Pre-registration required. Walk-in registrations on the day of the program are not accepted.
Thursday, January 16: Amazing Astronomy
Planetarium Show: 10:30am or 11:30am
Gaze with us into the night sky and discover all the fascinating objects to behold. The stars can be a clock or a compass – explore the seasonal changes and constellations that mark them. Trace pictures in the night sky and learn the stories behind them. (snow date January 23)
Thursday, February 13: Physics Fun
Family Workshop: 10:30am or 11:30am
Forces, motions, structures, oh my! Experiment with magnetism and explore gravity. Discover physics all around us and how it makes our world work! Workshop will include an exciting family building challenge so be sure to bring your thinking caps! (snow date February 27)
Thursday, March 20: Rock Out with Geology
Family Workshop: 10:30am or 11:30am
The Earth is a rocky planet, rocks can be found everywhere. How long have they been here? Where do they come from? What are they made of? What can you learn about how and where they were formed just by looking at them? Discover the answers to these and many more interesting questions! (snow date March 27)
Thursday, April 24: Our Feathered Friends
Family Workshop: 10:30am or 11:30am
From common visitors to our backyard feeders to majestic soaring raptors and exotic birds from around the world – discover what they all have in common and the things that make them unique. Workshop will include a special sneak peek inside our collection storage vaults at specimens not on display to the public! This is a special opportunity.