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PERA Description
What is PERA?
The Providence External Review Authority serves as a civilian oversight body that investigates allegations of police misconduct. PERA was formed by ordinance Section 18 ½-(2) of the Providence, RI Code of Ordinances to create and implement community outreach programs. It reviews policies and procedures of the Providence Police Department and allegations of misconduct on the part of sworn officers of the City of Providence police department, including investigating the same, conducting hearings and making findings of fact with respect to those allegations.
In-person complaints are filed by appointment only. To make an appointment, please contact our office at 401-680-5790.
Mission Statement
PERA is committed to ensuring fair and impartial policing through civilian oversight by conducting independent audits of police internal affairs investigations, reviewing police policies, procedures, and conducting independent investigations of allegations of police misconduct to improve community and police relationships through police accountability.
Ordinance and By Laws
PERA was established in 2002 by Providence City Ordinance No. 614 (Chapter 2002-39) to provide for a system of Civilian Oversight over the Providence Police Department. PERA has the mission and the authority to investigate and conduct hearings concerning allegations of misconduct on the part of sworn officers of the Providence Police Department.
PERA Board
PERA is comprised of eight volunteer community members appointed by the Providence City Council and a ninth member appointed by the mayor.
Susan DeRita
Machiste Rankin
Board Member
Rebecca Bucci, PhD
Michael Fontaine, Esq.
Board member
Ivan Montañez Montoya
Board member
Night Jean Muhingabo
Darrell Williams
Board member
Deborah L. Wray
Board member
Norma Gonzalez
Open Meetings Portal Secretary of State Open Meetings Portal
Ferenc Karoly, Esq.
Katherine Berroa